Concordant Scripture Study
Gernot Ruediger Frey & Menno Haaijman
Eichenstrasse 1, 96465 Neustadt, Germany / Katwijk aan Zee, The Netherlands
Email: reply[AT] Please note: it is our great pleasure to read all emails sent to us, but we cannot promise to answer all of them, primarily because we need our time and power for that service we have received from our Lord.
Responsible relating to contents in accord with § 55 Abs. 2 RStV, Germany: Gernot Ruediger Frey.
Proofreading: Allen Fairbairn, Folkestone, England.
Declaration: In spite of careful review of the content of linked websites, we cannot take any legal liability concerning the contents of external links. The contents of linked websites are the responsibility of their owners only.
© 2019 Gernot Ruediger Frey / Menno Haaijman, all rights reserved.